
   日期:2017-10-20     来源:深圳家具·设计    作者:翁茜    评论:0    
核心提示:在Vincent Darré的设计中,一个具有王者风范的狮子卧在Contour沙发的最顶端,周围环绕着Tosco桌子、wint扶手椅、Aida座椅,均来自奢侈品牌。
      在巴黎Maison&Objet展期间,Luxury Living Group请来了时尚设计师兼室内装饰设计师Vincent Darré打造一个室内设计项目。Vincent Darré是一个超现实主义的朋克艺术家,早年混迹时尚界,并成为时尚界顶级人物卡尔·拉格菲尔德(老佛爷)的助手,2008年自己开办了一间酒店之后,创造了自己的一系列家具产品,并开始了室内设计的工作。


这次他为Luxury Living Group设计了一个超现实主义的空间,魔法般地把Luxury Living Group位于乔治五世大道的专卖店变成了一个被施了魔法的城堡,在那里有一位被奇异动物催眠的睡美人。

经过Vincent Darré重新设计之后的Luxury Living Group家具店变成一个充满了想象力的空间,例如那间放置了Paul Mathieu设计的Contour床的房间,长条型的Catherine吊灯像葡萄藤般在空中悬浮。Trussardi Casa的Darly桌子和Heritage Collection的Emerald座椅营造出一个奇幻美妙的宴会,也可以倚靠在Bristol沙发和Fendi Casa的Berenice扶手椅上宁静地休憩。

在Vincent Darré的设计中,一个具有王者风范的狮子卧在Contour沙发的最顶端,周围环绕着Tosco桌子、wint扶手椅、Aida座椅,均来自奢侈品牌。此外,Vincent Darré也挑选了一系列Luxury Living Group合作品牌的经典产品,通过精心的搭配结合天马行空的室内装饰,营造出一个独一无二又梦幻的场景,向现代创意致敬。


关于Vincent Darré

Vincent Darré最擅长的是花艺设计,充满了奇幻色彩,他是一位具有独特个性的设计师,这一切基于他的经历:他来自时尚界,曾为著名奢侈品大牌Fendi, Chloe, Moschino, Ungaro等工作过。2008他开始专注装饰事业,这与他的个性相关:热爱诗意和幽默,同时也是一个注重现代时尚装扮的达人,富有极强的感染力。


On the occasion of Maison&Objet, Luxury Living Group presents an interior design project curated by designer and interior decorator Vincent Darré.The designer has created a space dedicated to surrealism and will magically transform the Luxury Living store on Avenue Georges V into an enchanted castle, that of a sleeping beauty hypnotised by quirky animals.


Vincent Darré re-interprets the Luxury Living Group furniture creating imaginary spaces, like the room with the Contour bed by Paul Mathieu, the long Catherine chandeliers by Bentley Home suspended like vines. The Darly table by Trussardi Casa and the Emerald seats by Heritage Collection invite you to a fantastic banquet, followed by a peaceful rest on the Bristol sofa and the Berenice armchairs by Fendi Casa.

An imperial lion dominates over the Contour sofa by Paul Mathieu between the Tosco table and the wint armchairs by Trussardi Casa and the Aida poufs by Fendi Casa which seem amused by this presence. Furthermore, Vincent Darré in a play of volumes places a Medaillon chair by Ritz Paris Home Collection within the wonderful structure of the Lady Lamp by Luxury Living. Between two sculptures the Camilla armchairs by Fendi Casa, the poufs, the armchairs and the Contour tables by Paul Mathieu take a break. A unique setting and a fantastic tribute to contemporary creativity.


Famous for his Baroque creations, full of fantasy, Vincent Darré is a unique personality in the world of decoration.First of all for his roots: he comes from the fashion world where he worked for Fendi, Chloe, Moschino, Ungaro ... A career that he left in 2008 to devote himself to the creation of furniture and decorative items. Also for his character: a lover of poetry and humour,he is a contemporary dandy with a contagious congeniality.

标签: 深圳 家具 设计
