
   日期:2016-07-12     来源:深圳家具·设计    作者:翁茜    评论:0    
核心提示:品牌: Normann Copenhagen

Grass 花瓶

  这是一个可以让你微笑的花瓶,这个花瓶为那些我们常忽略的普通花朵设计,Grass让室内充满自然气息。所有的花瓶都是手工制作的,不同花瓶的差异性强调了它们自身独特的个性。设计使花束得到了全新的展现。Grass看起来就像路边的草丛,是设计师ClaydiesKarenTine用粘土手工制作的。通过这个花瓶设计,设计师把最古老的材料之一变成了具有现代感而且幽默的展现。Grass 产品使ClaydiesNormann Copenhagen将手工艺和工业结合起来。


Normann Copenhagen is pleased to introduce the vase that makes you smile. It is designed for ordinary flowers of the type we often overlook in our daily lives Grass brings nature indoors. All the vases are handmade, the variations of each vase emphasises its own unique character. The striking design of grass brings new life to cut flowers.

Grass resembles a roadside tuft of grass. Made of clay, in the hands of designer duo Claydies, a.k.a. Karen Kjældgård-Larsen and Tine Broksø, the material is transformed into a new and sexy product. With the Grass vase, Claydies has taken one of the world’s oldest materials and turned it into a product series with a contemporary, humorous expression.With Grass, Claydies and Normann Copenhagen have cemented the collaboration between craftsmanship and industry.      

Grass is a new and inspiring design that brings nature indoors.



  Ducky是一个简单而古典的木质物件,充满思乡之情。以色列设计师Dor Carmon设计的这款摆件不仅经得起时间的考验,而且带有诙谐和趣味。设计灵感来自传统的木质玩具,设计师为女儿的生日设计了这款摆件。当他第一次设计出这款木质鸭子,他就意识到这有变成一个产品的潜质,进而细化它的线条和比例。Ducky设计极简,没有多余元素,有雕塑的感觉。巨大的前轮是一个亮点。由于它的极简设计,Ducky可以根据所处的空间呈现不同的风格。


  Ducky is a simple and classic wooden figure full of nostalgia and character. Ducky the wooden duck is designed by the Israeli designer Dor Carmon and is a timeless design product that adds an element of humor and enjoyment to the home.

  Inspired by traditional wooden toys, Dor Carmon created Ducky in the wake of his daughter's birth. Although it was only when he had first designed the wooden duck, that he realized Ducky’s potential as a product and started finetuning its lines and proportions. Ducky has been designed without unnecessary details and has a stringent, symmetrical and almost sculptural feel. The large wheel at the front helps to break up the tight symmetry and add personal expression.

  Ducky is made of sturdy, solid materials and is available in grey or oak with matching wheels. With its clean and simple silhouette, Ducky is an all-round item that changes character according to wher it is placed in the home.

设计师Dor Carmon



  冰岛设计师Sigurjón Pálsson设计了一系列风格独特的橡木小鸟雕塑。Shorebirds的简单轮廓让它们适用于任何一种风格的空间。同时,细节的处理也独具匠心,鸟身厚度,脖子的长度以及鸟嘴和腿的位置都经过精心设计,给予每只小鸟个性,使之栩栩如生。最大的一只鸟灵感来自麻鹬,有着修长的脖子和标志性的弯嘴。这是一个贵族般的形象,它细长的腿迈着缓慢而谨慎的步子,眼睛留意四处。中号鸟的形象来自活泼的红脚鹬。最后,还有鹬,一种喜好社交的鸟类,经常成群聚集。大号鸟可以与花瓶等饰品一起放在餐边桌上,小号鸟更适合一组放在一起,结合不同的型号和色彩,给予空间一种时髦而有趣的效果。


  Icelandic designer Sigurjón Pálsson has created a range of characterful wooden birds made of oak. Shorebirds are turned from solid oak and their simple unadorned silhouette gives them an almost stylised expression. At the same time, a great deal of care has been paid to the small details and the variations between body thicknesses, neck length, and the positioning of the legs and beak. This gives all three birds their own unique personality and allows the design to come alive.

  The largest of the birds is inspired by the curlew, with its long neck and distinguished, downwardly bent beak. It is an aristocratic creature. Its long legs take slow, well-considered steps while looking cautiously around. The middle-sized bird is alert and active like a redshank. Finally, we have the sandpiper; a sociable little bird, often to be found in a large flock.

  Place the large bird on a shelf, sideboard, or dresser wher it can proudly stand side by side with your vases and other decorative items. The two sociable, smaller birds are ideal for placing in groups, wher the combination of their different sizes and colours gives a simultaneously stylish and playful effect.

设计师Sigurjón Pálsson

