
   日期:2016-08-19     来源:深圳家具·设计    作者:翁茜    评论:0    
核心提示:Angelo Cappellini&C提供

  Angelo Cappellini&C在沙特阿拉伯吉达的展厅全新启幕,展厅的整体氛围经过精心的营造, Angelo Cappellini&C将品牌艺术鉴赏能力及精湛的工艺融入其中,唤起人们对于美的追求。

  Angelo Cappellini&C早已在中东市场进行了布局,达到了拓展目标地区的商业目的,不仅如此,在住宅设计方面也有建树。


  在展览区域,经过十七个不同的步骤精心打造的650平米展厅,放置了企业最具有代表性的三个品牌Angelo Cappellini,、Mediterraneo和Opera Contemporary。这三个品牌展现了企业无与伦比的设计美学和意大利精湛工艺。

  Angelo Cappellini对于古典造型充满了热爱,通过浪漫的地中海风情,达到Opera Contemporary永恒的优雅。吉达展厅的核心意义就是以极高的要求为多样化的市场提供不同的装饰解决方案。


关于Angelo Cappellini

 Angelo Cappellini是一家历史悠久的家具制造公司,因其精致的古典家私而享誉世界。公司1886年诞生于意大利北部的布里安扎地区。如今,Angelo Cappellini已成为世界上制作风格家私的领先企业,擅长制造真正的路易十四、路易十六、摄政君主、帝王和毕德麦雅等欧洲主要风格和款式的家具。公司最早由Enrico Cappellini创建是他将木材加工制造的优雅和高贵气质传给了后代。

Angelo Cappellini是一家快速发展的企业。最近几年,公司大规模扩展了办公机构和接待客户的展示厅,有超过14000平方米的生产区和展示区。但是,公司在成长和发展的同时,并没有摈弃手工艺制造的鲜明特征,它始终是具有极高专业技能人员经验和能力的体现。


  公司高品质的产品非常注重材料的选择,对局部、雕刻、装饰和搭配面料的把握细致入微,只有成就长期的经验和世代传承的传统工艺秘诀才能呈现这样完美的效果。公司有着广泛和完善的商业和经销渠道并且与很多建筑设计公司保持合作,能够提供多种装修装饰的解放方案,还可以按照要求在设计阶段进行专业的咨询和完善的服务。公司的技术部门建制在生产部内,其技术素质和专业技能够使Angelo Cappellini公司始终满足世界各地客户的需要,为客户提供多种家居装潢的个性化方案。

   Angelo Cappellini&C opens its new showroom in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. An evocative atmosphere that narrates the company’s artisan ability and know-how through its most recent proposals.
  Angelo Cappellini&C, already well-positioned in the Middle East market, achieves an important commercial goal in a strategic area for the development of new projects regarding contract and residential design.

  The display area, made of seventeen in seventeen differents paces for a total surface of 650 squaremetres (7000 footsquared), is adorned by the most representative piecesof the three brands of the company: Angelo Cappellini, Mediterraneo and Opera Contemporary.
  From Angelo Cappellini’s love for classical models, through the romantic taste of Mediterraneo, to the timeless elegance of Opera Contemporary, Jeddah showroom suggests decorative solutions that aim to satisfy a demanding clientele of a varied market.


 about Angelo Cappellini&C

   Angelo Cappellini & C. was founded in 1886 in the heart of Brianza and is nowdays a leader in the production of classic furniture, specializes in the reproduction of authentic models hailing from the major European styles such as Louis XV, Louis XVI, Regency, Empire, and Biedermeir.

  With a turnover of around 90% for export, Angelo Cappellini & C. is now present on the markets in Eastern Europe. In particular, the company has been in Russia for more than 15 years and is also present in the Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and the Middle East.

  In recent years the company launched the brands Opera Contemporary and Mediteranneo with more contemporary inclinations that complement and complete the offer, while remaining true to the style of the Cabiate company.

